​Our Mission:
Proudly providing services and support
to strengthen our community.

Our Core Values:
Integrity, Dedication, Empathy, Knowledge,
Quality and Cooperation
Norwalk Area Food Bank
Open Tuesdays & Thursdays
10:00-12:00 & 1:00-3:00
located behind Rite Aid on Whittlesey Ave
Weekends without Hunger
Weekends without Hunger is a program designed to provide weekend food to Norwalk Catholic and Norwalk City School District children in grades K – 6 throughout the school year. Individual bags of nutritious food are delivered by volunteers to the child’s classroom on Fridays during the school year. There is no cost for the food. Volunteers do not have access to any student information. You may opt out at any time. Deliveries occur when there are no children in the classroom to protect everyone’s privacy. Parents who are having financial difficulties should contact the office of their children’s individual school to get registered for this program.

Children Services
Huron County Department of Job and Family Services is required to receive reports of child abuse and neglect, and to investigate those reports in a timely manner. When necessary, Huron County DJFS works with families to identify services and develop a case plan that reduces the risk of future abuse or neglect.
In most cases where a need for services has been identified, Huron County DJFS provides services to the child and family while the child remains in the home. However, there are instances when the child cannot remain safely in the home and it becomes necessary for Huron County DJFS to work with the local court system to remove the child from the situation. When the child is placed outside of the home, Huron County DJFS must develop a plan detailing the activities that must occur to ensure that the child is able to return home safely. If that is not possible, the plan will identify an alternative safe, stable, permanent living situation that promotes the child’s health, growth, and development.

Child Support
The purpose of the child support program is to provide children with the opportunity for a better life. Working with both parents to establish and enforce support orders is essential in helping children receive the financial and medical support they deserve. The program also strives to benefit tax payers by defraying the cost of public assistance by helping families become and remain self sufficient.
The CSEA also offers many services including: Genetic testing, administrative establishment of paternity, establishment of and enforcement of medical and child support orders, review and modification of support orders, and locating of non-residential parents. The agency routinely works with the Sheriff's Office, the Prosecutor's Office, Domestic Relations and Juvenile Courts to enforce support orders.
Cash, SNAP & Medical Assistance

Huron County Department of Job and Family Services is available to provide assistance to identify, develop and provide supportive services necessary to empower members of the county, particularly those who face the challenges created by poverty, to achieve self-sufficiency. County residents may apply for public assistance benefits such as:
Food Assistance
Subsidized Child Care
Ohio Works First Cash Assistance
Huron County

OhioMeansJobs Huron County provides a full range of free assistance to job seekers under one roof. Our center offers classes, career counseling and coaching, job listings, and job matching services.
All of our services, for both individual job seekers and businesses, are free of charge. Our goal is to provide customers with tools and services that allow them to gain full time employment. We also provide assistance to those currently employed who are looking for better employment opportunities and training.
For businesses, OhioMeansJobs HuronCounty utilizes innovative strategies to help identify and achieve recruitment, retention and training goals. Services for businesses include: placement assistance, job listing opportunities, customized employee training, use of onsite facilities, and access to labor market information.
Priority of Service to Veterans!
Covered persons (a veteran or his/her eligible spouse) are given priority over non-covered persons for the receipt of employment, training, and placement services funded in whole or in part by the Department of Labor.